Tuesday, 25 June 2019

New Beginnings

Ok, so here we go....

I am not even sure how to start this entry..... Or what to say exactly.... But I just kind of want to kick myself in the behind and not let me have any further excuses I guess.... So that is why this post is going online....

Well let me explain what I actually mean.... So, after having two children over the course of 3 years, not doing much exercise at all and not really watching what I eat my body is looking, hmmmm, let's say just not really like it used to. Don't get me wrong at all, I am really about embracing a postpartum body and everything it brings with it. Wobbly tummy, stretch marks and the good old not so fresh looking boobs.... I mean seriously, our body has given everything to bring new life into this world and that is amazing!! So we should all be allowed to look exactly what we look like without being body shamed for it!!!! 

However, I have been trying to embrace myself for the last years and I simply do not feel comfortable in my own body any more. I am not a person to let any media influence my body image, and I would consider myself with a strong person who doesn't really care what anyone thinks of her. It is purely coming from within me. I used to be really happy with my body, do a lot of sports and naturally not overeat without even thinking about my food. However, somehow all this has changed and I think it crept up on my and I didn't even realise when I stopped caring.... But now this is really catching up on me. I am unhappy whenever I feel that I ate something I, in my mind, shouldn't have and I can't stand what I see in the mirror., which is not healthy thinking.

So in order stop me from always thinking about starting a healthy lifestyle again and exercising eating well, taking some time for myself, and not doing it, I thought, if I just post this entry and maybe even 1 or 2 people read it then I have to go through with it and stop finding excuses for myself.

Maybe we can even find a few mummy's that are likeminded and start supporting each other on our journey to get healthy and fit. 

If you feel the same and would like someone supporting you let me know and maybe we can start this journey together. 

Let's do this!!

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