Saturday 3 September 2016

Does Makeup Expire?

Hello Everyone! 

A couple of days ago, I watched a YouTube video where makeup expiry dates were mentioned.

Usually, I went by what I had been told in the past, which was basically that any powder should be alright for about 3-4 years, creams for about 2 years etc. But little did I know....

My husband asked me not long ago, how I know how long my makeup will last. I just replied, as long as it does not crumble or smell weird I am sure it is still ok to use. Just as long it is not way over the above mentioned time frames. Anyways, in this particular video it was explained that the little open cream pot with a number and 'M' inside it which is printed on each makeup or skin care item indicates the expiry date. To be honest, I had never paid attention to this symbol, neither did I look for it. 

Almost immediately after hearing about this, I went to my makeup draws and started to check each piece of my precious collection. Almost every single item was out of date and I had to toss as good as all my make up.

For the first few days, I was really upset about having to throw away almost all of it. However, by now I see it as a fresh start to having minimal makeup, only having products that I will actually use up and that I love. To be honest, I feel so much better about my makeup by now because I actually enjoy every single item and I am not constantly thinking 'Oh, I need to use this or I need o use that' anymore. 

Also, there is of course the health aspect of using expired makeup. I am not an expert or a doctor but using old makeup can cause eye irritations and worse. So please be aware of this. For information on this topic please consult with a doctor.

Over all, these were the approximate expiry dates that I came by mostly.

Lipgloss: 12 month

Lipstick: 24 month

Powders: 12 month

Foundation: 12 month

Mascara: 6 month

These dates of course also apply to skincare. I know that from now on, I will religiously be checking the dates on each packaging and ruthlessly be discarding any item which is going past this date, no matter how much I love it.


Tuesday 30 August 2016

Neue Produkte von Rival De Loop Young

Hallo Alle zusammen,

Heute möchte ich euch gerne ein paar neue Produkte von Rival De Loop Young vorstellen die seit kurzem bei Rossmann erhältich sind.

Das erste Produkt welches mir aufgefallen ist waren die Lippenstifte. Ich muss zu geben das ich bei dem Lipgloss erst ein wenig skeptisch war, aber so bald ich ihn ausprobiert hatte, war ich verliebt. Die Zusammenstellung des Lipliners und des Lippenstiftes in dem tollen Nude-Braun ist einfach perfekt und wird mit dem leichten schimmer des Glosses super in Szene gesetzt. Auch der Matt Gloss in dem schonen Rot Ton kann im Winter bestimmt zu einem meiner Favoriten werden.

Dann gibt es auch einen Eye-Brightener. Dieser kann alleine getragen werden (zum Beispiel decent über das ganze Lied verteilt bis hoch unter die Brauen) oder unter einem Liedschatten getragen um diesem einen Sanften Hauch an Schimmer zu geben.

Für die Nägel darf es natürlich auch an nichts fehlen und hier bei habe ich diese zwei ausprobiert. Einmal einen sehr dezenten Sommernagellack in hell Rosa und einen etwas ausgefalleneren in dem neuen Cookie Look. 

Meinen Favoriten allerdings habe ich mir bis zum Schluss aufgehoben. Und zwar dieses Lippenöl. Alleine die Verpackung is zum dahinschmelzen! Das Öl trägt sich sehr angenehm auf und verleiht den Lippen einen wunderschönen Glanz und ist dabei feuchtigkeitsspendent und pflegend. Mein absoluter Liebling!

Ich hoffe der kleine Einblick in diese neuen Produkte hat euch gefallen!

Bis zum nächsten Mal! 

Linda xxx

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Top 10 Tips For Buying A Wedding Dress

1. Set A Budget

First things first. Before you go out shopping for your dress, you need to set a budget. Wedding dresses can be really expensive because hours of work are are being invested in each dress and a lot of material is needed. So, it is best to sit down and think about how much you would like to spend or how much you can afford. Please keep in mind that you will also need to set aside a budget for alterations. Don't be afraid to ask how much they could come to because they are expensive. Once you are in the boutique, make sure you let the salesperson know about your budget before she/he shows you any dresses. It is no good to fall in love with a dress you can't afford and end the day upset.

2. Shop Early

The big surprise for a lot of brides is, how long you actually need to buy your dress in advance. 
You will need to order your dress 6-9 month before your wedding. If you are unsure what you are looking for in a dress or if you are really indecisive you should give yourself even more time, let's say 10-12 month. If you leave it for too long your choices of dresses might become very limited and a gown you fall in love with might be out of reach.You also need to allow approximately 8 weeks for alterations. These will however depend in your dress. A simple gown will be easier/faster to alter than a heavily embellished ball gown.

3. Research

If your heart is set on a designer make sure you do your research to find out which boutiques actually stock the brand. Also, if your heart is set on trying a particular gown, ring up the store before your appointment to make sure that they have it in their collection. You don't want to be all excited only to have your spirits down by not getting to see the dresses you expected.

4. Entourage

It might sound perfect to have all yor girlfriends/bridal party plus your family members present for this big moment, but please keep in mind that this moment should be about you. Too many opinions can really spoil this experience. Not everybody likes the same styles and probably has their own idea as to what you should look like on your wedding day. It is best to narrow it down to 2 to 3 people. It will make the entire experience more relaxed and you are more likely to find a dress that you love with only the occasional constructive criticism. Anyone else can join you later for yor fittings if they can't wait to see you before your big day.

5. Lingerie

It is a good idea to wear underwear similar to the one your are thinking of wearing on your wedding day. This will already give you an idea of the fit of the dress and if you will need a bra at all... Thinking of it in terms of maybe wearing a corseted gown....
Also it might be best to keep the underwear nude, because you sure don't want to peek black undies to the whole boutique.

6. Be Open Minded

It is important to try on a few different styles of dresses. If the salesperson suggests a dress or a different style for you, go ahead and try it on, they are the experts and know what will suit you. Even though your heart might be set on a mermaid style you might be surprised to find yourself falling in love with a big ball gown.

7. Makeup

Wearing an understated pretty makeup on the day and doing your hair up nicely is a very good idea. It will help you envision yourself on your big day. My suggestion however is to keep your foundation to a minimum. The shops do not appreciate stains on their sample dresses. Also, maybe wear your hair in a simple updo that can easily be taken down if you would like to see yourself with a bit of a different look on the same day.

8. Read the Fine Print

A good salesperson will talk you through everything including the price, colour, style number, name of the gown, delivery date, deposit, alterations fee and cancellation policy. Ensure that you get all these details in writing and a contact number to call should you have any queries. This ensures you will not lose your money should there be anything wrong with your dress upon delivery.

9. Considering Second Hand

If you are on a really tight budget or simply do not want to spend a huge amount of money on a dress you will only wear once, maybe consider a pre-loved dress. This is what happened to me. I visited a wedding show with my mum and the second dress I tried on, I fell in love with. We were not seriously looking for a dress but just browsing and playing dress up. Therefore, I was not paying attention to the prices. Unfortunately, the gown was way out of my budget and I was so disappointed that I lost all interest in dress shopping. I knew this dress was the one for me and about a couple of month later, I was lucky enough to find it on a pre-loved site online. A week later the dress was mine, at a fraction of the original price. It was in perfect condition. Of course it needed some alterations and a dry clean, but at least I had my dream dress. If you would like to know more about how I did my dress shopping, let me know in the comments below and I can write a post about it.

10. Have Fun!
Today is about you, and only you. Enjoy this day to the full extend and don't worry too much about all the details, everything will fall into place and you will find 'The One Perfect Dress'. But don't stress too if it is not on your first appointment. This is the day everyone should fuss about you, tell you how beautiful you look and simply make you feel amazing.